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one of my friends today made me realize something

that i ******* HATE THEM!!!

yeah, i do, seriously. well i told one of them who i like (i always do and it has always ended up like this) and HOLY CRAP YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HE DID!!! ITS A SHOCKER!!! yeah, as you probably guessed it, he asked her out for me, which, with my luck, being always my luck, she said no, and he probably ruined a chance to at least become friends with her. as you all proably guessed, yes i am a shy person, and im not one who, when liking someone, just jumps out and asks, i wan to wait and see if i even have a chance first before asking the question

if your wondering why i hate all of them, its because each of them has done this and many other a-hole things to me. ah well i guess, its just the f'ed up way my fate has been chosen, unlucky with people to just make it worse