@Enundr @killerklaus Oh I am not calling either Sony or Nintendo (I like how you completely ignore nintendo from my post lol) saints, Im just making my point as I didnt have a good experience with them. You can smell a fanboy article a mile away, I base everything off the experience Ive had. At first i thought maybe just had a bad system but went through 4 of them. And would of been fine as long as they were cooperative, but there customer service stinks and most of them I spoke with seem to have an attitude and get right defensive. Swear to god it was all fanboys who work there. Anywho.....I was just making a point.
Meh, ill be buying both systems regardless but im only gonna give Xbox one more chance......if its like the experience i had with xbox 360 or worse I will never buy an Xbox system ever again. Plus im tired of Microsoft practically sh*ting on people. Not great for customer service you know.......Sony and Nintendo on the other hand are nothing but good things cause they seem like they actually care and are quick. I called Microsoft at least say 15 or 16 times regarding issues with my xbox 360 since release and only spoke with sony twice regarding the PS3 and nintendo once for my Wii U. If it wasnt for the New Killer Instinct I don't think i'd even buy Xbox one but I will give it a try and hopefully the games are much better this time around.
WTF, No Story mode or cutscenes in the new super smash bros........all those extra things to the previous Smash Bros games added more to the games. Replay Value was ridiculously high and i still play Malee and Brawl now. What are they thinking?
I'll be there on release waiting for it. And same with the Xbox 720, I just hope microsoft learned there lesson from the Xbox 360. I bought both PS3 and Xbox 360 at launch and had to replace my Xbox 360 4 times while I still have the first model of the PS3 and is still working great. Although super excited for these new consoles :)
Considering DMC was released on Jan 15 and those reviews were posted early that day to me it seems like the reviews aren't genuine and prolly from haters. This is the reason why I pay close attention to reviewers wether if they are user reviews or critic reviews.
Mega Man was the reason for my love of video games. For the NES Mega Man 3 was my favorite, I liked all the 8 bit MM's Except for 1 & 6. What changed everything and increased fun factor and replay was with MMX series, especially with MMX 1 & 2. IMO the series started changing direction with MMX5 and kept getting worse like with MMX7. The first time in a long time I felt the same feeling as before when playing MMX 1-3 was with Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. I was excited thinking capcom had a new thing going on here but unfortunately the sales weren't good with Maverick Hunter but there are tons of fans who loved the game and critics gave it positive reviews which kinda puzzled me but then again it was released on the PSP perhaps at the wrong time and again NOT ALOT OF PEOPLE KNEW ABOUT IT TILL LATER. So if the series fails I think Capcom made their own bed with this one. Lets promote RE or SF to hell but just quietly release our other games and hope others buy it and then afterwards beotch about low sales. Maverick Hunter a high quality game with lots of fun. Almost everything about it was awesome and if they were looking to make Mega Man with improved graphics this format is a great start.
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