But I have i have gotten in a war or words on the VF5 preview page... (ARG!!)
Like both systems have great games but some people are just stupid like PGR series VS Grand Turismo Series, the GT obviously wins because A) Hella more driveing options like Stability Control and such.
B) Just because the PS3 graphics arn't leaps and bounds over the 360 right now (No one exspected them to be) thats fine because the fact that resistance looks hella close to gears I say is a huge accomplishment for a LAUNCH GAME!!!
And C) Well i dont know why people are saying this but VF5 looks hella awsome and no HDR dose NOT make the graphics look flat and the reason it is not online because VF5 is very frame specific and slight lag the fan would be in a uproar and dont compare it to DOA because the fighting mechanics are wat diffrent in that game then in VF5 its more user friendly letting you hit buttons for combos a little late or early.
I dont know what these people are smokeing but they better get off it before serious brain damage happends