My desktop has so many problems first my hard drive fries then my motherboard fries and now my comp wont start properly or display anything on my screen. LIKE WTF!!! This is driving me insane i have to fight my dad and my sis to get on this laptop now and even when i get it i cant be on long enough to even play a round of Battlefeild 2142. So i gotta get my comp fixed.
On other platforms i went back to FF12 and am trying to do go all the hunts and its hard. Also on the PS2 i got Guitar Hero Rocks the 80s and its really fun but the song list is too short and there are no bonus songs so that disapointing. Also i am thinking of buying Persona 3 because RPG's where you have to shoot yourself in the head to summon a demon to attack is awesome in my book.
On the PS3 i am playing Ninja Gaiden more and i am on Very Hard right now and am stuck on the Dragon in the Aquaduct level its hard. Also i downloaded Castlevania Symphony of the Night and that was fun put it on my PSP and played till my hearts content but i still havent the castles fully 200+%.
Oh and July 20th was my Brithday and i got a real guitar, acoustic and its really fun i have been playing it enough to have my finger tips starting to peel.
Well thats my long overdue blog and i need a job so i can buy my own computer.
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