Well i finaly picked up the last issue of OPM and this is a very sad day indeed i remeber my frist issue of the magazine witch was the famous Metal Gear Solid 2 issue with the silver backround and snake outlined in black it was also my favorite issue. If i can ever find my digital camera il post up a pic of my OPM collection i wont have that many magazines because my mom threw out like half but i still got all my demo disks so il put up a pic of both in the next post or the one after that.
On a more happier note i am enjoying my PS3 to the fullest i rented NFS:Carbon last week and beat it and the new guy is no Razor replacement and yesterday i rented THP8 and i beat it already even though it was just on pro i am about rank 4 or 5 now on the charts and working my way to getting to number one but the sick goals are just rediculous.
Another PS3 related topic i downloaded Grand Turismo HD Consept for free today i guess there haveing a special or something but it said a limited time only so if you got one go download it now.
So untill next time peace and Merry Chirstmas!