Yesterday there was a nice little cafe thread(created by Chev) going on in OT ,until it was deleted by some guy...lawl ,yes it had to be deleted because we were having a bit too much fun in there and fun is one thing you can't do in OT :P ,so i guess all that's left is the plain old RC's to chat about **** and what not...doesn't matter at all really ,but it's just kinda bizarre that it wasn't just locked and now it's gone forever.
Last night i was up kinda always and i made myself a new sig ,i thought it turned out quite well and it matches my new avatar that i like also. I'll probably be switching between the avatar i had previously every once in a while so i don't get bored of it...but who knows.
Okay that's about all i'm willing to write today ,like anyone would care...lawl ♥
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