I kind of find it annoying. But is it just me but so many people camp in almost every game I join. Its like they promote noob tactics in this game -_-
killzone221145's forum posts
yea the main thing I'm worried about is whether it would get a the YLoD again.
If it did and the 90 day warranty after sony gives it back is over and it happens again,
I dont feel like paying another $150 for it.
haha thanks but would you know how much the value would be?
I don't want to trade it in to gamestop or anything because I think its a rip off $150 for the console.
So just a few days ago my ps3 got the YLoD.
I just sent it in to sony.
I was thinking after they repair or replace it or whatever to sell it on craigslist or something and buy the slim.
I don't really have any ps2 games or anything.
What do you guys think?
Oh yeah its the 60GB B/C model
So today I just downloaded the Crystal defenders demo and i got bored so i clicked on my music. Then all of sudden my music starting playing in game.
THe music cut out the background music but left the sound fx and everything. But unfortunately it didnt work with any other game. Sorry if this was already posted but it was pretty interesting. I hope they bring this into other games
I was just wondering if anyone would like to setup some friendly matches on RB6V just to get ready for the release of RB6V2?
If anyone would like to just post here and add my psn
If guys want we can decide on who hosts, (depending on the best connection)
If you think your connection is good enough check your speeds here http://www.pcpitstop.com/internet/default.asp then click measure Download Speed, Then Bandwidth Test, and post if you wish?
Thank YOu very much
PSN ID: yuichisuke
PS, These tests are maxed out perfermance and you may want to run them multiple times
Download speed: 3578 kilobits per secondI've been wondering guys. What game would really be worth the wait forsome of the best online multiplayer. What's really worth buying. Could it be Warhawk? Could it be Call of Duty 4? Could it be Unreal Tournament 3? or could any of the previous games that are already out take over? Like Rainbow Six Vegas? Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2? Resistance ?. What game is really worth your money. I know a lot of people are getting warhawk. But is the game really worth it. Like the people who playvegas which is about 47,000 people. Or could these other games get the people to stop playing warhawk vegas graw2? I also heard that COD:4 would be one of the most exciting online and one of the best games. With all it's new tech and weapons gadgets camo, rank Anti tea-bagging and that. Or would it still get drained out by warhawk or Unreal Tournamet 3. And how long would this game last. Or do more people prefer the more realistic type of shooter or Sci-fi. Would warhawk or any other game really last.Tell me your opinion on which game would most likely have the most and the best online experience. Also forgot to mention Orange Box XD
Sorry if I kinda mentioned warhawktoo much. And tell me in your opinion what would be worth the wait the money and the time.
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