Amazing, 360 has some very hardcore exlusives in 2011, everyone not fit enough will have a hard time
killzoneded's forum posts
It will happen. They are already putting the engineers in place to build it. Late 2012 is perfect and by that point a new system will be well deserved and the public will be ready. I predict 8 core CPU 6 gigs ram 1TB hard drive DVD 2.0 with special 25+gig storage per disk custom built duel ATI GPU. BC with all 360 games and enhances 360 games graphics and Kinect ready. Xbox live 2.0 that will feature full cable TV ready abilities. Also cloud gaming type service for on demand games.SpunkDust
Holiday 2013 the earliest, that is what will happen in reality
Xbox 360 has the best graphics on consoles by miles, why would they ever release a new system ? Crysis 2 on 360looks better than in 99.9% of PCs out there
And the most advanced motion controls too for the lowest price
Releasing a new system when you have the most advanced on the market in every way and in best price is rather crazy, will never happen so soon
PC has up to 3GB+2GB maxin 32bit OS and they want 8GB for consoles ?
If they have 2GB will bea miracle imo, 1GB is the most possible
Oh no! If Crytek says it then it must be true! :oSecret-Face
Still, all developers are moving to consoles
You seem to have a hard time grasping the idea of a genre and what "exact copy" means.
You mean that a turn based game is not an exact copy of all previous ones ? Well, the system is 99.9% same, that qualifies as exact copy
To make a game that does not copy, you have to make a game that is nothing at all like other ones, at all, which right now is rather imposible
And there is not such thing as copy a little or much, you either copy or not
But ok, name a game this generatino that does not copy anything from any other, even one
copy =/= exact copy. turn based RPGs utilize a core design that make them what they are, but everything else is usually different. In the case of Minecraft and Fortresscraft its almost an exact clone. There is a huge difference here. We're not talking Mortal Kombat vs Streetfighter. We're talking Streetfighter vs streetfighter 2.How is everything else different ? It is the exact same thing bar the graphics and minor differences that dont even count
LMAO... I just watched a review... wow talk about an exact clone. They hardly changed anything.
To the lemmings defending it... I guess it's cool to exactly copy someone else's intellectual property as long as u change the name right?rzepak
Ok, lets ban all turn based games then, because are an exact copy of the very first turn based game, whichever it was
Same for all 3rd person games, all adventures, all games in general
You do realise there are zero games that are totally different than some older ones, none really, what you ask for is not existent
All games are an exact copy of an older one by 90%, add a 9% by some other and remains a 1% for some new stuff that try to make some little difference
The trully unique games are like one in a billion and start genres, these are as rare as a rat on the moon
You seem to have a hard time grasping the idea of a genre and what "exact copy" means.
You mean that a turn based game is not an exact copy of all previous ones ? Well, the system is 99.9% same, that qualifies as exact copy
To make a game that does not copy, you have to make a game that is nothing at all like other ones, at all, which right now is rather imposible
And there is not such thing as copy a little or much, you either copy or not
But ok, name a game this generation that does not copy anything from any other, even one that is not related in any way with any other
LMAO... I just watched a review... wow talk about an exact clone. They hardly changed anything.
To the lemmings defending it... I guess it's cool to exactly copy someone else's intellectual property as long as u change the name right?Mystic-G
Ok, lets ban all turn based games then, because are an exact copy of the very first turn based game, whichever it was
Same for all 3rd person games, all adventures, all games in general
You do realise there are zero games that are totally different than some older ones, none really, what you ask for is not existent
All games are an exact copy of an older one by 90%, add a 9% by some other and remains a 1% for some new stuff that try to make some little difference
The trully unique games are like one in a billion and start genres, these are as rare as a rat on the moon
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