it is so irritating hearing people say gears is better than halo 3 i mean are you jking. I have played both games and Halo 3 is superior than that of gears.
to me gears was way to repetitive, the whole go behind something pop up and shoot and repeat. Also that you could not jump was pretty bizare. The story line was okay, but charecters who are too built up as in they mine as well be invincible. But again its the same gameplay over and over again. Don't get me wrong there are positives about the game such as the graphics, best i have seen by far, and the diff. weapons to choose from. As well as the enemies you are fighting against makes it all the better.
Now about Halo 3, yea it is a very hyped game but what do you expect. To me the gameplay seemed familiar but it's all with that ''halo feeling'' sense/presence you get when being introduced to a new halo game.
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