kilzombie / Member

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Boredom taking over, games, and random stuff.

Boredom, the doom of all teenagers, probably. Sometimes, there's nothing TO DO, other than sit and stare at the computer screen. But that's just what I think from experience. Like right now, as I'm typing this, I'm only doing it becuase I've spent too long sitting on the couch, playing GRiD. I'm not saying that the game is bad, I just can't sit and play one game for an extended period of time.I'm replaying MGS4, just to get those extras. If you're in one of the mission briefings, take control of the Mk.2 and look at the remote for the tv, and press R1, to change the channel, and you'll see pictures of models on the screen :P.

Now, I'm kinda pissed as I'll be missing the live shows of E3, I'm travelling on the 13th of July, and I doubt I'll be able to use the internet that much during the trip, but it's OK, I just want to know about any huge announcements that could set System Wars on fire, now that would be something I don't wanna miss :D.

Sometimes, I'd be doing something, or out somewhere, and I'd say, "yeah I'll post this next time on the blog" but just like right now, I just completely forget about what I wanted to write about. I guess I'm easily distracted. I got my report on thursday, I'm pretty happy with my results, and I'm getting myself something, but I dont know what, first thought was a new 360, but no, I'm not buying it again, even though I really want to get new Xbox games, I'm sick of the system. So then, I thought, why not a new, powerful gaming PC, but I don't know if I would find what I want here. So I'm still deciding.

Now, I said I might post reveiws for GRiD and MGS4, but I can't really be bothered to do that, so I'll just post a few things here.
Metal Gear
Well, it's probably the most epic game I've played, along with Uncharted and Heavenly Sword, and personally, the game looks and is more enjoyable than alot of movies I've seen.

Fun racing game, challenging AI and tough controls, but they're easy to get used to. Feels like DiRT, but that's a good thing, damage modeling is awesome.

That's about it for now, until next time!