So a lot has been happening in the last few days, I haven't updated my PS3's firmware yet, I forgot, and when I did go to update, it had already been taken down, no biggie, I've been playing without in-game XMB for half a year, I can wait a bit more.
Now, onto the "old games" bit, I don't know if this game ever came out in the states or not, but it was for the PS1, it was called "Pepsi Man" it looked and played like an arcade game. All you had to do was get "Pepsi Man" from point A to point B while dodging people, cars, and furniture, while collecting cans of Pepsi along the streets. I was only 6 or 7 when I first played that game, and I LOVED it, but then the CD broke, and I haven't played it in years. Last night, my cousin came over with his PSP, and he had Pepsi Man on it. I had so much fun playing that crappy game again. Nice dose of nostalgia if you ask me.
We had a bad sandstorm the day before, and yesterday, I had a runny nose because of it, I went swimming last night, and it seems as if there was a bit too much chlorine in the pool, my nose was stinging like hell and I had to get out. My nose was red and sore, and it still hurts when I touch it. Kind of annoying, but I'll deal with it.
Battlefield: read at your own risk!
[spoiler] I think I'm pretty close to the end of the singleplayer campaign in Battlefield: Bad Company. I got to ride the gold chopper, that bit was awesome, but the controls felt weird at first, but they're easy to get used to, the game is hectic, and fast paced. Pretty fun.The story is cool too, I was shocked when I found out that his teammates were missing after the chopper got hit at the end. [/spoiler]
That's about it for now, later!
Thanks in advance for any comments!