Wow... its been a while
by king_mickey on Comments
Well, after months in being in the company of the quirky GFAQ users, I decided to check what's up with you guys. Hope you're all fine over here! :)
I'm finally getting a Nintendo DS next week almost a year after its release and I hope Nintendogs and Advance Wars: Dual Strike will kick my butt out of ownage for the weeks to come!
I wish I'd get a PSP too, though. It's a great system according to most people but it's been 4 years since I bought a Nintendo console so I'm thinking that for this generation of consoles I'm taking the Ninty route starting with the Nintendo DS.
Hmmm... for the record, I'll post the paths i made for each generation:
8-Bit/16-Bit Generation:
Nintendo - NES, SNES, Gameboy
Sega - Genesis
32-bit/64-Bit Generation:
Nintendo - N64, Gameboy Color
Sony - Playstation
Next-Gen Generation:
Microsoft - Xbox
Sony - PS2
Nintendo - Gameboy Advance/SP
7th Generation(hopefully):
Sony - PS3
Nintendo - Nintendo DS, Revolution
>_> that's prolly it for now
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