@tom2750: that link was just to reference who she was as I suspect not many people know. If you want more information then buy One Day in December; it's a fascinating read.
Also, what the frig does body count have to do with how strong a person is? I keep seeing stupid shit like this all over the internet. Someone makes a comment and the reply is roughly "yeah, but [irrelevant point]" as if making some side comparison has any bearing on the initial argument. Is there some kind of template you use or classes you take?
Just to clarify as well, the Cuban Revolution was about trying to capture the country as peacefully as possible. Restraint is a form of strength.
@tom2750: sorry I missed the word half (although I probably just assumed it was used as the throw-away term for "part of" as people tend to when using hyperbole). But before we go slinging the "m" word around, let's digest the use of "the platoon". "The" doesn't specify which platoon, just some given platoon. Could be any platoon with any given makeup. Could be the 5th Platoon of K Company. Note that he didn't say "half the army" or anything to that effect. You moron.
@nurnberg: okay, the women bit I get but you do understand the concept of a world war right? People from all over the world took part. Also worth noting that when US GIs were stationed in the UK, the British were astounded by how the black GIs were treated. If there weren't black people in the army how do you suppose this happened? God damned 40s SJWs, right!?
If you want some photos as well then feel free to follow this link.
@pops4657: if it bothers you so much that your character is female (a character you can't even see!) then play another class. There are 3 female classes. 5 male and a genderless robot. Go wild.
@AyatollaofRnR: "strong" doesn't have to mean generic badass. Celia Sanchez doesn't fit this stereotype and I'd argue she was an incredibly strong woman who saw active combat and played a massive part in the success of the Cuban Revolution. In fact maybe they should do Call of Duty: Guerrilla Warfare.
@itchyflop: if you select the PS+ option from the dashboard it takes you to a dedicated page about all PS+ stuff and the voting is on there whenever they run them though they don't run them very often and it only decides one of the games. In fact I think this is only the second or third time they've bothered letting people vote.
king_quaps' comments