Today an important desicion for tomorrow.
by kingassman on Comments
So this is my first blog, normally I dont use blogs because I never have much to write about but today I've decided to discuss a disicion ive been trying to make for quite some time. Maybe by writing about it I'll be able to convince my self to an answer. My issue of coarse is related to video games and might be a common issue among many DS owners. The deicion I am trying to make is should I spend the money on a DS Lite when I just got my original DS last christmas. I am almost sure I want a DS Lite for I have always been there to consume every Handheld Nintendo has thrown at me. So the buying the DS Lite would only come natural. But with the DS for some reason I didnt run out and buy it the first day it was released as I have for every other nintendo handheld. I think my issue was that I wanted to wait for a different colour, although I really love the Polar white, I wanted to wait and see what other colours would be released and hopefully that they would be released soon, but its been too long now and my desire to consume is increase every minute I am awake, I am a devil consumer for handhelds. The bottom line here is should I go out and buy this Polar white nintendo DS Lite or should I wait and maybe buy an ice blue if it ever does get released in North America. These are though desicions for a stressed teen gamer. When I decide it will be by the end of the day, for the next day I will visit EB and possibly make a purchase.
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