yeah i agree g92 has been my favirot chipset so far, im currently running a gtx285 (notG92) but i sold my 8800 gts 512 and 9800 gtx+ to people i talk to regualrly and they love em, my 9800 gtx+ was the best price/value card ive ever owned, got it for 125 on newegg with a rebate discount code and free shipping,
the 8800's were also solid cards gotta love those first gen unified architextue cards
its really good in my opinon. the story line really sucked me, i just wanted to see what happens so badly, the gameplay is really unique and differnt, pretty haunting dialouge too. for the 5 euros it cant be beat
yeah Right now ati has the best deal but if you hold out for a few more months im sure nvidia will have there 4xx cards out, hopefully with that well get all 16 cores going with another architexture revision,
with that being said if you cant wait i agree with everyone about ati if you dont mind not havign dx11 got with the 4xxx but if it is a must 5830-50
yes if you have the two cards you want in sli with a bridge leave the Dedicated physx one out of the bridge, the computer will take care of the rest for you
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