I don't know that I would consider this game "difficult", but complicated for certain. Beautiful graphics, but a generic FPS nonetheless.
KingGeralt's forum posts
To be honest here, the game looks terrible by today's standards, but that's not what turned me off to this game. It's the seemingly lackluster gameplay, and generic design. I'll remain cautiously optimistic until I see more.
I've often found myself wondering the same thing. Nintendo needs to move more console units at this point, and with little support from third party developers they need to step it up. It'd be an ace up the sleeve tactic to help pull the Titanic disaster that is the Wii U out of the water.
The closed beta was proof enough for me to save my money and put it on something more worthy of my time. Bungie over hyped this game to the point that what high hopes, and anticipation I had for the game were dashed when I played the beta.
Console launches always start out at a crawl. Most of the major releases are due out within the next six months, so I WOULD recommend acquiring one around the holidays or shortly thereafter because by the end of February of 2015 (provided there are no further delays), we'll all be elbow deep in some of the most ambitious titles to date.
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