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kingmickey2 Blog

We Be Waiting for a PS3 me mateys!

Today I booked tickets on the U.S.S. Playstation 3! It is expected to leave port on December 25th, 2008. Staff members include LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, and others. In the mean time I am writing on this wonderfully upgraded PC, and playing games such as Team Fortress 2.

The REAL Best Game Ever

Well, if you haven't checked my Now Playing list, Super Smash Bros Brawl is my favorite game of all time. The only downside is that it can get a LITTLE repetitive at times, but who really cares. It...well...I cannot describe it. Just go out and play it for yourself!

I know what i got for Christmas!

I measered it, weighed it, and I know what i got. I asked my sister to put all of her iPod Touch things back in the box, and it weghed exactly the same (and measered the same) as my present. Now I can watch all of those stupid unboxing videos on YouTube.

Officer for Games of Wii Union!

Yay!!! My first union to be an officer, and then so on I will progress and become an even better person and be officers of 5 unions! Thanks to pigfish2 for selecting me :) I will keep the union clean and running

The Orange Box

I just got one of my first PC games in years... THE ORANGE BOX!!! To make a long story short, I got it at Target, the disk was faulty, went back, got another, went home, didn't work, did on another computer, and the outcome was tremendous. I plan on playing only Team Fortress 2 and Portal. Wait why am I saying "plan" again? Oh yeah, it is because the Source doesn't open up the dang library. If anyone wants to leave a comment that would be great (about the problem). Thanks!

Sonic is in Brawl!

Yesssssssss!!!!! Sonic is in Brawl! What is that you say? He is not in there? Here is some proof!

Hows that? Good? Im happy. Dang, I am hearing some other news... the release date is now TBA? And I thought Nintendo just got it's appeal for customers...

Brawl Online Confirmed!

Wow, this is my first blog post in a long time. Anyways, Brawl just got online play with 4 player online, friendly and random modes, mini-chatting while brawling, practicing on sandbag, and custom icons! WOW! If you want screenshots (with gameplay), go to, select your language, and haaaave fun!

Which game, which game...

I have been looking forward to many Wii games, such as SSBB, Super Mario Galaxy, and Mario Strikers Charged, but which one? I know that everyone will love SSBB and SMG, but Mario Strikers Charged is coming out sooner and nobody really CARES about that. OH WHICH ONE?????????? :?

The best game ever

The best game ever is Club Penguin. In fact, thost people are so nice they give you stuff like this:


Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Ain't it amazing! I love it!

I wish that you people who are reading this play this. My name is Extrafurry1 and it got the Best Game Ever Award! From me! -claps- Yay

Ahh back to my blog

Well it hasn't been a while since I have posted a blog...thing. Anyway, I got my Wii on Jan. 21st, and I got Super Paper Mario on April 10th. well.......not much happened. :o I remembered somthing! I met Blake Lewis (American Idol) on Feb. 16th. He autographed my American Idol shirt! Well thats it. :cry: Bye! :cry::cry::cry::cry: Im making a virtal pool! :cry::cry::cry::cry: Thats a achivement! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
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