Xbox one maybe................?
by kingofseattle00 on Comments
There is a lot of chatter about the xbox one. I'm still on the fence about getting one. (get it?) However, I can't understand the extreme hatred for console that hasn't been release. A lot of rants come of misinformation and misguided individuals who think the know what is good for the rest of us. I'm sorry but these group of people don't know shit!! Lets go ahead and address the biggest rant out there May-22-2013, which is "The Presentation sucked!" This is just false. Sorry but it is. The so called "Presentation" was about what the machine could do. If I understood that, why couldn't they? Everybody knows that 85-90% of the console use will be on games. Who doesn't know that? I mean really? Guess what..., the PS4 is the same thing. (spoiler alert!!!) So does Microsoft really need to tell you it plays games? Microsoft presentation was about the same as Sony's. The Sony's presentation wasn't that special and like Microsoft dodge a lot of key questions. Ever since computers had the ability to do MS word, technology has evolved. Today basic computer can surf the internet, games, watch videos, play music, write code, email, camera, video chat, make phone calls, chat, be a remote control tv, recorded video, edit videos, accounting, download, and should I keep going? Guess how many other devices can do that? Wireless device anybody? (it called galaxy note 2 lol) So why are you surprised that xbox one and PS4 can do some of these features? I mean really? I remember when xbox came out and the biggest complaint was having to buy the remote to play dvd movies.(yes I know there was a hack) Once the xbox 360 came out that wasn't a problem. People who own a Ps3 including myself were thrilled when we could play blu ray movies on our console. Was that such a bad thing? No!!! Netflix anyone? My point is today market demand console do more just play games. Sorry it the truth. I don't mind. If anyone don't like features then your not force to use them. Second thing, This "PS4>Xbox One"or everything better>Xbox one" is just crap. Sorry but it is. PS4 and Xbox one are very very very very similar in specs. Its all about how the specs are used. Anyone in who develop games will tell you that. Microsoft and Sony understands it has to make SDK kits that developers can access and use easily. Last time I check Microsoft did a better job then Sony. So when Sony preached about "focus on gamers" they really meant "we have an easier sdk kit developers can use" which is good thing. This means developers can make games easier, faster and more cost efficient. This goes for both Microsoft and Sony. What gamer should be concern about is cost of owning one of these consoles. That I will agree with the rants. At the end of the day what is going to be the cost for owning one. Microsoft hasn't revealed anything about cost . They still up to this point haven't talked in depth about the features and "always online" thing. Sony has their secrets as well. So, I guess we'll have to see @ E3. From what I'm guessing about "always online" thing. I think they are saying playing any game off the cloud will require you to be online. If you install the game to hdd then it won't require it. That is what I'm guessing. Lastly about the xbox one itself, I'm impress with what the machine can do. I like a lot of the features. I like the idea of playing a game and being able to switch back and fourth to tv or to whatever. The kinect is seems cool and useful. I don't think I'll be playing a lot of games on it in less it required. We'll see. As for choosing between xbox one or ps4..........I'm leaning towards ps4 only because I don't have to pay extra to play online.(for most titles) I'm sorry but I shouldn't have to play an extra fee just to connect online. As for the exclusives, I really don't care since I'll end up buying both consoles at some point for certain titles. I'm just really hoping we get new ips and not old titles.