by kingrat101 on Comments
Being a big Nintendo fanboy my entire life and recently getting into Sony again I have a confession. Let me give you a little back story first and explain what has led me to believe fanboyism is crap and really needs to stop. It stared way back in 1995, this is my first memory of playing video games. Only being 3 years old at the time I cant remember all of it, but according to my parents, apparently I understood how to play that beloved Super Nintendo in the living room. I had no idea the electronics company Sony had recently released a new CD based console, I had no idea that Nintendo pretty much screwed them over which ultimately led to Sony's decision to release a console of there own. So lets go back to that Super Nintendo I remember playing Donkey Kong Country and being competely blown away by what this game is. Eventually I beat the game and my first real sense of accomplishment came into play. Becoming more and more engrossed with gaming my parents saw it fit to get me a Playstation for christmas, it came bundled with another controller, a memory card and three games. I loved playing through the Crash Bandicoot series, however my love for that Super Nintendo never faded. As I got older I eventually got rid of my Playstation and kept playing super Nintendo and PS2. Later on my aunt would give me the original NES and my love for Nintendo grew and grew while my love of playstation faded. Of course I would find the occasional game on the cheap for PS2, but once my first generation PS2 began experiencing problems I began to HATE Sony. My thought was "My damn Super Nintendo works 10 years later, and this PS2 doesnt work ever one year later!" I began to get rid of all my Sony stuff and made a vow to myself to never get a Sony made product again. After hearing of the release of the PS3 I couldnt help but laugh at the original price and the problems people were experiencing with the machine. Upon hitting up local thirft stores I often found lots of Playstation and I found myself missing both the PS1 and PS2. I finally picked up two working ones and began my journey of rediscovering these two classic systems. I decided to start watching some reviews of games I was always interested in. I started reading comments on the videos and all of them seemed to not really care about the game but instead a comparison to another similar game on a "rival" companies system. I think it's a good/sad thing to love a console so much to defend it against anything, but in all honesty all of our favorite companies are really in it for one reason... money. Thats not to say that money is all they care about, but there is a lot of bad software thats released if the company thinks they'll make money off of it. Now getting back to my main reason for writing this, the comparison between Sony and Nintendo, in my mind, really needs to stop. These are two completely different companies with really different concepts of whats good for gamers. To me all three of the main companies have something great and different to offer. To focus so much on what looks better or which console is the most powerful is losing the point of gaming. To understand some things Nintendo cant do as well as Sony or Microsoft, and visa-versa, makes you realize how great this medium we all enjoy is.
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