uhm, to EARLLOVINGS31, you are most certainly wrong. the baltimore ravens were number one in 7 different catergoires defensively last year, and that doesn't include OVERALL. the bears were good, don't get me wrong, and i'd personally replace some of these players on their list with bears players any day., but a raven would be a smarter decision given their stature as the best defense of the decade (espn.com, "Best Squads of the Decade Thus Far").
okay, after analyzing your list i have this to say: it could be better. i mean, seriously, chris simms? he looked like crap against one of the most lack-luster teams from yesteryear, the ravens. now i wont bash their 'd', el contrare it as a whole is one of the best since its inception (from the super bowl in 200 - now they have placed in the top ten defenses in the league every year), so rather then waste a spot on somone as trivial as him and give it to someone else who has played second fiddle since his draft to one of the best and had to play for another team to become someone : chester taylor. now maybe noone else will agree with me, but chestor taylor did very very well against the redskins, but even though THAT is no feat consider the 2005 season where he ran only 117 times and still got over 400 yards on the ground, with the leagues worst o-line in front of him. he averaged 4.2 yrds on the ground and 7.1 yards in the air. he is an extraordinary player who now has time to grow. i mean, look at the last running back the ravens released who went on to start for another team: preist holmes. he was a breakout player, no? lead the league how many years in tds? so no, there needs to be a swtch and maybe a special inclusion for reggie bush since he just simply is a playmaker, otherwise i cannot agree more with your list.
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