kirby40 / Member

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Its-A Friday!

Well my topic isn't lying. And I'm so happy that I recovered from that aching pain and losing fluids and stuff, but that's not what you want to read anyway. But there's much that when on besides that.

I was walking home, now this girl walked my way ever since I came to that school. I never really notice her but this week she caught my attention and now I look forward to walking home every day. I don't know what it is but I'm lovin' it. I've been trying to get this cartoon in but yet I still have no clue as to how to do it. Although I try I find it hard to have patience. But since I love doing it I'm just going to keep my tolerance and patience(the main keys) with me and be happy. Today, my friend and I switched games so I got Mario Ds 64 or Super Mario 64 DS. I'm going to play that and stuff as I crave to get even more games. And since I had that sickness I can't eat certain foods either. That's a **** cause all the good stuff turned to bad. I'm also suppose to see a movie with Fastvipa but I don't think that's going to work out. So I might be over relatives doing stupid stuff and probably sleeping and not eating for hours and being bored and making up silly stupid games. But hey if I want to waste weekend by all marios let me!