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#1 kissdadookie
Member since 2003 • 152 Posts

The console world is such a different beast compared to PC. PC players are (this might be stereotypical but you will usually find this to be true) have more patience and they will actually spend more time with demos. Console players are very use to instant gratification so if there's no whizz and band in the initial 2-5 minutes of the game, they'll immediately pass on it. If you've played most of the demos that comes out for consoles, they are all pretty pathetic. The demo for Bad Company was actually quite good because a lot of the features were actually intact but the feedback from it may have publishers rethinking about releasing more robust demos next time.

The style of Bad Company was also a problem, there's a lot more teamwork and squad play involved which console players generally suck at. This explains why they love their COD4 so much, COD4 is more or less a run and gun solo experience. Even though COD4 has a lot of game types, people usually just go for deathmatch and team deatchmatch (which interestingly enough usually ends up being more of a normal deathmatch except now not everybody is an enemy).

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#2 kissdadookie
Member since 2003 • 152 Posts

Regardless, you are one of the few that had any common sense (and any kind of attention span). I WAS a noob, but that was over 10 years ago :P

There's very good reasons not to have that demo up anymore, (1) the demo received a lot of negative feedback even though yourself and I along with the few who actually SPENT TIME PLAYING THE DEMO TOTALLY LOVED IT and (2) having to support all those people playing multiplayer on the demo MUST'VE had a impact on EA's servers.

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#3 kissdadookie
Member since 2003 • 152 Posts

It's a good thing that they took it down. I remember when the demo was up and I actually spent time to learn the game with it, I LOVED it BUT the majority of the people seem to have the attention span of a gnat. They would play it for 5 minutes (not even bother with multiplayer sometimes) then start writing entire reviews based on their 5 minutes with the demo. You have so any negative comments about the game based on childish posts that had no standing whatsoever, other then their 5 minutes time with the demo. I'm glad that they removed it because this will definitely stop the immature posters from claiming that COD4 is the best when it clearly is inferior to Bad Company in multiplayer (where it counts).

It's sad, a company has the guts to provide a VERY feature rich demo for FREE and people don't even bother to spend more than a few minutes with it and THEN have the audacity to trash the game. Psh, and you wonder why companies don't release more demos.

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#4 kissdadookie
Member since 2003 • 152 Posts
and from JTDAWG's reply, this is the reason why MOST companies don't release demos until the full games are released. Can't compare a demo to a full game yet people do. Tsk tsk.
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#5 kissdadookie
Member since 2003 • 152 Posts

Bad Company hands down. There's actually teamwork involved and the games are dynamic. Even though there's only one multiplayer mode, it is by far more diverse than any of COD4's games. In COD4 you can easily rank up and score points because you can play it like a frag fest. If you try to play BC like that you will have one of two things happen 1) constantly die and 2) the games will take FOREVER since the objectives are not being met.

Also can we please STOP having people come in here and proclaiming how COD4 is great at this and that while BC is not even though they have ONLY PLAYED THE DEMO FOR BC. You're lucky that EA and DICE even released a demo WAY before the release of the full version and now the game is getting flanked because people are trying to judge a FULL game by just a free snippet? Doesn't make any sense what so ever.

Here's some things that is possible in Bad Company and it does it VERY well:

Play CREATIVELY: You want to take down a tank on a bridge? Blow up the bridge, blow up the tank with the RPG, flank it with a air strike, strap C4 to it, strap C4 to a humvee and have a team mate drive and park the humvee next to the tank then give you the order and you'll make it go KABOOM. Want to snipe but don't see any good vantage points for sniping? Blow out a part of the building and make your own sniping location. Don't kill anybody and be a support member healing your team (you can get points for LOTS of things in the game).

Play TOGETHER: People playing the demo don't go on after a match or two because they think that they've got the full experience already from just driving a tank once or twice, etc. etc. Number one, it is BORING as heck to drive the tank around without team mates in the tank together with you watching your tail. Number two, you will die VERY often if you want to be the lone wolf (which kind of explains why those that think the game is just a stupid drive the tank around and shoot randomly usually have the lowest points in the MP games).

Where do you get the satisfaction in COD4 like the kind you receive in BC? It's not tactical at all which gets stale very quickly. It's funny how those who point fingers at BC and says that it's a braindead game don't own the full game and are also the ones that are absolutely head over heals for COD4 and it's literally mindless frag fest.

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#6 kissdadookie
Member since 2003 • 152 Posts

Let me chime in here, you will probably see a LOT of people trashing Bad Company in both single player and multiplayer. The main reason is that they only have the demo and I'll be the first to say, the demo doesn't really prepare you for how multiplayer really plays out in the full game.

This is kind of sad since DICE and EA had the guts to actually release a fully playable demo WAY before the release of the full game. Now, here's what complaints people have had:

1) It's dumb and the vehicles are overpowering.

2) No teamwork.

3) Controls are wonky.

4) Only one mode.

5) COD 4 is better.

Here's where their views are lacking: THEY DON'T HAVE THE FULL GAME.

The vehicles are not overpowering since you can easily destroy even the heavy tanks with two RPG shots (which is easy, just have two people who are RPG specialists and they can take out the vehicles). Teamwork is vital in this game since if you play it as "every man for themselves" one of two things will happen, 1) you'll die continuously 2) the game will never end (since to win you have to destroy the gold crates). Also another point about teamwork, driving the vehicles by yourself gets boring plus you'll get attacked like old wood being attacked by termites. The complaint about the controls, it's a non issue, it's basically the sensitivity is set higher at default then most games, if people actually bothered to lower the sensitivity (which takes what, two seconds and it saves your settings). Having only one mode is absolutely fine because the maps are big with enough open space and enough close quarter space to let players play it the way they want to play it (want to snipe? lots of sniping locations or you can create your own by blowing parts of buildings away, want to attack with a tank, lots of room for that, want to shoot down copters? lots of turrets and missile stations, want to just be support? be a medic and pass those health packs around, want to be really creative? slap lots of C4 on to a humvee, have a team mate drive it into a swarm of the opposition, they give the word and you make the whole thing go kaboom). It's quite varied even though it's just one mode. Here's the biggest complaint: COD4 is better, well very true... IF COMPARING TO A SIMPLE DEMO!