kiwidust's forum posts
[QUOTE="jvonrader"]Better yet it'll have TurboGraphix 16 games! ;^) I still pull out the Turbo Express (the NEC handheld) to play my old TurboChips. That system had (and still has) hands down some of the best shooters ever made: "Blazing Lasers", "Super Star Soldier", etc. It also had some great pinball ("Devil's Crush" and "Alien Crush") and others (I really miss "Military Madness"). It'll never happen but I do wish that there was some way to show/prove to Nintendo that you own the original game so that you could get access to the download for free (or for a small "handling" charge). Fair Use laws say I already have a license for the content so paying for it twice is going to be a mildly annoying. Even if they make the games only $5 I couldstill spend many hundreds of dollars replicating my TG-16, Genesis and SNES libraries just to play games I've got sitting here in a box. Of course the sad part is Nintendo knows I'll do it. And I know I'll do it. So I guess we can't blame them. ;^)One can only hope :) By the way, you said you had a genesis, I did too. Did you hear the news that the Revolution will have genesis games available for download? Ahh, nostalgia!
Anyone playing it? Its an amazing games.Riff60I finished it a while ago - and yes, it's a great game (although I could have done without the friggin' jumping puzzles in Hades and the end boss was the most frustrating experience I've had in a long time). But overall it's an amazing achievement. I would say it's a great last hurrah for the PS2 except that God of War 2 has already been annouced for it. ;^)
I usually buy one new game a month. March will be an exception with all the great games. I plan on getting MPH, Tetris, and Kingdom Hearts 2. Maybe even Me and My Katamari. Too bad there seems to be a dry spell for new games during the summer because that's when I have the most time to try out new games.Travo_basicFor just me it's not more than one or two a month. I tend to not buy new games unless they're big for me (I bought "Shadow of the Colossus" day one and will be buying "Kingdom Hearts 2" as well for example) - I rumage the discount bins. I just bought "Constantine" and "Bloodrayne 2" for $9 each. But we're also buying for the PC, PS2, Gamecube and Gameboy... and, once it gets it's act together, the XBox 360. For the whole family it more - my son (seven years old) has the habit and I now that my wife and I both have Gameboys we've been grabbing those as well. I just bought my wife "Sudoku" and she's been playing that for days on end (I don't see the attraction). I'll probably pick up "Final Fantasy IV Advance" once I see it. I think once the next gen hits (and games go up even higher in price) we'll probably just stop buying new games and do GameFly or Blockbuster. It's $25 a month but that's less than we're spending now.
It seems that the next-gen hype goes hand in hand with the "but you need to own a hd television with it or else" statements. And as the local commerce is buzzing with promises of hd content, including the world soccer championships this summer (which is a big thing here). It looks like they are trying to force it down our throats. But with not even half of the programs on the national networks broadcasted in an 16:9 aspect ratio. I see no reason to jump on that bandwagon yet.HasturPersonally I think it's about time that HD was pushed seriously. At least here in the US the FCC has hemmed and hawed and delayed deadlines for several years now. We're to the point where all major networks and premium cable channels and much of public braodcasting is available in HD. The sooner we can ditch the analog anchor the sooner we can open that spectrum up for wireless gaming! ;^) But seriously all the next gen systems will play on "normal" TVs - but everybody (well, maybe not MS who seems favor coming out with a new console every few years) expects this generation to last a while. It would be ridiculous not support HD TV if you're looking at a console released now having 5-10 years of active life. My worry is actually the opposite - Nintendo has made no annoucments of HD support and I really hope they do. The GameCube doesn't fit very well into my home theater now and I want the revolution to fit better. It would be a shame if it didn't support at least 720p. Remember too that this generation will not require HD TV - although games will look markedly better with it. The HD resolution will be used to enhance the image (sharpen and define it better) but won't be used to actually display more information (which is a little bit of a shame for some games). I'll see the same game on my HDTV that you on your regular TV - mine will be sharper and clearer perhaps but I won't see any more information. (As an aside 16:9 aspect ration has nothing to do with HD TV. The aspect ratio is just the shape of the image - either a "short rectangle" (4:3) or a "long rectangle" (16:9) - the latter is often called "letterboxing" because it leaves large black bars above and below the picture on normal (4:3) TVs. HD, on the other hand, is all about picture density and detail.)
I'd like to see a version of Starship Troopers - based on the book, not the movie. If you haven't read the book, it's one of the best accounts of the infantry you'll ever read. They could do it up as a mech squad based 3rd person shooter.booyamcnastyDid you ever see the CGI cartoon based on "Starship Troopers"? It was much more true-to-the book than the films (I actually liked the first film... but second was a horrible, horrible waste of the Earth's capacity). I could easily see a game based on the book from the military perspective. It's too bad they couldn't include a game on the social perspectives in the book. ;^)
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