Hey all, it's been, oh I don't know, about two months since my last blog. Since then I probably promised to do something on my top titles of 2012. Haha, yeah no. I might do it later on, but like most blogs (or reviews or anything for that matter) I promise to make, that won't be happening, at least not for a while.
Before I get into the meat of this blog, I thought I'd say that it was my birthday not too long ago, so now I'm 20. Yay? Along with my birthday comes my GameSpot anniversary, so it's a big 5 years on this site. Also something about review anniversary, but eh... (I should do a review of a game some time soon...). I'm still doing the college thing. It's... well... school...
Recently I've been trying to make my way though my backlog of games, though I just keep throwing more into it. Yesterday I beat New Super Mario Bros. U, though I still need to go through World 9. Also, I've been playing Sly Cooper (first one) since I bought the HD collection off of PSN when they went on sale last week. I've also been playing Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, Arc Rise Fantasia, and BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien for my jointly owned Let's Play Youtube Channel with Cloud_765 and SonicZero1993, GamingStooges. I need to get back into Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, Code of Princess, and Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure for my 3DS, Dragon's Dogma and XCOM: Enemy Unknown for my PS3, and Pandora's Tower for my Wii. Plus my crap ton of downloaded titles I've either played only a little bit of or have yet to touch.
Recently, I've been watching anime (gasp) because I got bored one day. I could list all the anime I've finished, or you could just visit my My Anime List. Right now I've watching Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (OreImo 2) and Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S (second season of A Certain Sceinitific Railgun).
Alright, now that I've pretty much played catch up (not like anyone is going to read this, I've just got an hour between my Hum 101 class and Concert Band to kill), it's time for me to get into the "meat" of this blog. Yesterday, my brother officially gave me his PlayStation 3, which has spent most of the last 3 and a half years sitting in my room. Though I have bought a hand-full of games for it since he got it (funny story as to why he bought it in the first place), and even getting PS Plus, I haven't really wanted to invest much money into a system I knew I'd either not have in about two months or have to buy my own.
Anyway, he gave me his console and all the games for it, which I took and traded in since they were mostly games I did not want (I did keep Soul Calibur 4 and his two Dragon Ball Z: Raging Blast games). The nine or so games came to a total of $53ish of in-store credit. Part of the money went to buying Sonic Unleashed (PS3 version, already own the Wii version) and Record of Agarest War Zero. I also placed a preorder down on The Last of Us, but I still have about $29.
So here's my question, what should I get? Like I said, I have a hand-full of games for it already (namely the Sonic games, Borderlands, Resident Evil 6, the five games I mentioned earlier, and some downloadable titles (including Journey, Dyad, Rainbow Moon, Sound Shapes, and NiGHTS: Into Dreams... HD). I have a couple of games I'm looking into picking up (and I plan on getting a 2 TB hard drive for this thing since it only has 80 GB), but I'd like to take recommendations for rounding out my collection. I'm already rounding my Wii collection out (there's still about less than 20 games for my Wii that I'd like), so while I get down to the bottom of that collection, I would like to start working on the PS3. I'm mostly looking at getting RPGs (any kind work for me), though I am also up for other genres.
So if you made it through all of that, thanks for reading. If you just want a quick recap: I have too many games I've buying and I'd like some recommendations for the PlayStation 3, namely RPGs. I'll also take Wii recomendations as well.
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