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And Now For an Actual Blog (PAX Answers, New Review, and My UCB)

It's been a while since I made a real blog (my last one was a teaser for my joke UCB, but more on that later). In my last one I asked you guys to give me question about my time at PAX, which only Soniczero1993 did. That's why I never made a follow up one. But here are his question and my answers!

s0: How was the overall experience?

I thought it was really fun. I had a great time walking around the show floor playing a bunch of different games and meeting some fun people. I was kind of sad I only went for a day, but I play on going again this year which some friends.

s0: Did you manage to play some noteworthy games worthy of your status? What was some of the noteworthy demos you played over there?

Yes, there were a bunch of fun games there that I got to try out. Some of my favorite titles that I played were Runner 2, Chasing Aurora, Resident Evil 6, The Wonderful 101, and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

s0: Did you shake hands with Commander Video?

Sadly, no I didn't. I did see someone cosplay him though, which was actually really cool.


Enough of that, on to new business! Recently, due to a request from Cloud_765, I've written a review for The Denpa Men: They Came By Wave. Please take a look at it and tell me what you think. It's been a while since I made a review, so I was a bit rusty.

I'm going try and more some more reviews, but I'm not completely sure what I'm going to review next. I'm thinking about doing a review for either Pushmo or Journey. Once I beat it I'll be doing a review for escapeVektorI'm about halfway through the game, but it is pretty long (since it has over 150 levels) so it'll be a while yet.


Since GameSpot is stopping paid subscriptions and we can have colored names and UCB, I've decided to put my UCB to use to something I feel really needs to be out there: a place where folks can talk about digital gaming. Digital gaming can be an unsafe place if you're not sure what you're about to buy, so I want a place for people to talk about and recommend games for digital services of all kinds. I'm calling it Dizzying Downloads.

I would love it if folks would come on down and post. I am looking for mods, so if you're interested, and you'll be active, let me know.


So I think the next time I make a blog I'll be sharing my top titles of 2012 (I'm late, oh well), but until then, thanks for reading.