Yesterday I bought some new games. Firstly I got Far Cry Instincts Preditor for the 360 Although I have Far Cry Instincts for the Xbox, I bought that after getting a HDTV and by the time I got that I didn't enjoy playing my xbox as much, as the picture quality of the games looks crap. As for far cry I could see the enemies properly in my xbox and even once the made it BC for the 360 I could be bothered playing to so I supose If I get the 360 version I'll be able to see everything better:D. I bought the From Russia With Love Limited Edition , as this it the only resent bond game I don't have because it came out arround the time of the 360 and with it not being 360 BC I decided not to get it. I seen it yesterday in a cool FRWL tin so I thought I'd buy it as it works on the PS3 in 1080p now. Lastly I bought MGS3. I have been looking for MGS3 Substance everywhere and when I did find it I came back and it was sold. I finally gave up trying to find substance. Although I seen the original version twice for £8 cheaper than I paid for it, I couldn't care less as I have been wanting to play this game since i bought my PS3.
Only one problemo I have is: I have so many games I have bought and not played yet and FM2 come out on friday lol I'll never get to play them.
For example I Bought F.E.A.R had havn't even put it in my 360 yet, I have only about about an hour or 2 of Splinter Cell Double Agent, NFS Carbon, Resistance Fall Of Man, Tekken DR and only played Test Drive for about a week :(
As for the PS1 games I bought I played though for 30 mins each
On the good side I can't say I haven't got any games to play but ont he bad side where do I find the time :|, at least college is over :D
P.S There are a lot of grammer errors in this post but hey I'm writing This quickly to I can go and play some of these games. Oh and BTW thanks Sony for the new PS3 Firmware update, for once you did some thing usefull :D