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Rock Band UK Prices/Bundles

Yesterday I joined the gamespot gamer instincts panel but so far I havn't recieved any surveys.

Thankfully I have joined many others and today I got a survey on Rock Band. I argreed that I would say anything about the survey with them so I won't get into detail, but it mention some interesting things. Such as the individual prices for each instument/mic and prices for bundels (but the bundels were so varied in price and content you couldn't make much of them). It also gave 3 price points to choose from for a 6 song downloadable song pack. lastly it mentioned whether you'd be intestered in having a USB hub adapter to come with the game so you can plug in four players via USB. it went into some detail about features etc but nothing much new.

Well I left out the prices just incase they come chasing me :D

Euan (AKA KKCoolman)