It has taught and made me aware of all the problems of the HD era consoles.
The vid is NOT against gamers or a certain game,Also i may seem iam raising my voice but iam not,Maybe its the cam/open space?
Leave a comment below and discus!
gr klaudkil.
It has taught and made me aware of all the problems of the HD era consoles.
The vid is NOT against gamers or a certain game,Also i may seem iam raising my voice but iam not,Maybe its the cam/open space?
Leave a comment below and discus!
gr klaudkil.
Thx a lot. ^^
No I can't, but I can beat your sex life...
whahah you wont even handle it,i do to many freaky things.XD
At the ones who asked how many games i have..
i now have 231 unique ps3 physical games and 13 digital arcade games.
And noo i dont have that many trophys i dont hunt them haha.
Impressive collection. How do you find time to play them all?
I do.
I get this question a lot most of the time in a more insulting way thinking i dont have a social life or play games 24/7 where in real time its more like 2-4 hours a day.
I just have a normal job i then get home eat and play some games.
And sometimes i go out and chill out with friends.)in the working days i mean)
In the weekend i also play games and go out a lot more.
I gues most persons in the world have an weird job,be late home,dont eat and do 100 others things before going to bed so they dont have time for games. xd
You played all of them on one single PS3 without YLOD hitting ? It sounds miraculous.
Jup never had a ylod stil have my 60 gb launch ps3 but also have a slim.
Very impressive collection dude, I bow to you!:)
You dont have to bow xd.
But thx a lot.
Hi hru?
Iam a fellow Playstation gamer and collector who also makes video's about it on youtube looking for different ways to gain a little bit more support/fans.
The biggest isue i have is my english since iam not english speaking and i didnt get "Proper" english in class i struggle a lot still i think i am making good progress with it.
When you can see past that hopefully you will see a person with a big passion for gaming.
Now i never liked to plain out loud crying on gaming forums for more subs and or people looking at my video's iam not like that i want people to watch and or sub quz they think iam worth it.
Soo thats why i figured out this cool subject to maybe have people look up and be intrested in it with a sort of sneak peak of who iam and what i collect.
Soo i hope i can take a little bit of your time.
You can also find me on Twitter. Follow me on twitter,
Soo can!? you beat my ps3 collection?
Video(link) below is a more in depth view of the collection and have a link to my channel.
Here is the video.
Thx a lot for your time.
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