Hi there, folks!
Just finished The Witcher for the second time (actually the third, with some overlaps) yesterday, and I must say; it feels a little empty. What to do now, play again? I just can't bring myself to side with the Order, although I now I should, to get a new angle on this game, but it just don't feel ritght, now what I'm saying? I just seem to simpathyse with the Scoia'tell too much, I can really grasp and understandtheir need for freedom. Ah, choises, choises, it's almost real life, isn't it?
So I started up Prince of Persia, but man, is this one dissapointing! And I don't mean in graphics, music or whatnot, but the gameplay just really sucks bigtime! Ooh, maybe I forgot to mention, that I'm a real PC Aficionado, and this game is apparently not ment to be played on one. Not only that, but the game only supports one game pad, surprise: the 360 controller. Man, do I hate Bill Gates!
Well, maybe I'm gonna give it another try tomorow....
Oh, for those of you, who are actually reading this, and wonder who the *bleep* I am: I am a overgrown adolescent in his fourties from The Netherlands. That's right folks, I'm Dutch, and sometimes talking Double Dutch!