NES, SNES, GB, N64, NGC; just some of the great stuff Nintendo has done to make gaming what it is today. People that hate Nintendo and diss Nintendo and their products are not true gamers, if it wasn't for Nintendo, today's gaming would not exist, simple. After the big crash during the 80's, if it wasn't for the NES from Nintendo, gaming would have probably still be dead, or not as popular and as much of a money-maker it is today.
If it wasn't for the SNES and Nintendo, the Playstation and Playstation 2 probably would have never existed (originally just an add-on for the SNES called the "PlayStation".) If not for Nintendo bringing back gaming to the masses, Microsoft probably wouldn't have thought gaming was anything profitable and would have stuck with making Windows.
Just face it fanboys, whether or not you actually despise and diss Nintendo, if it wasn't for these guys, your fanboyism wouldn't exist, you just be a plain boring person without games.
Remember your roots.