Returning to my hostel after a long day of lecture, I sat down and continued playing Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition on my PSP. With the help of a walkthrough by an unknown source, I managed to clear several stages. After an hour and a half or so, I was drained out mentally, and took an intended nap. Guess what, a nap turned into a THREE HOUR long sleep! When I woke up, it did not feel right; my room was bathed in darkness. I stole a glance at the clock: The short hand pointed at the figure "8". My alarm went off(my head, not the clock), and I jumped out of bed, frantic.
I was supposed to wake up at 6.00 p.m. latest.
Why was I frantic? I have a mid-term exam paper this saturday, and there is so much studying to do.
Just for the record, I have not much time for further write-ups. It's time to study!!!!