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A Rant about AIG....AGAIN

So a while back posted a blog ranting about irresponsible spending by AIG, after receiving a government bailout. Never did I think that their burning of cash would ever sink to the level of low that we are seeing today. For a reference, here is a link to the past blog:

So, unless you been hiding under a rock, or never check the news, you have probably heard about the bonuses that 4,600 AIG employees received recently. These bonuses totaled in 165 million dollars in pay outs. Some 70+ employees received bonuses upwards and above 1 million dollars, the highest pay about being over 6 million.

Now don't get me wrong, I believe people are entitled and should receive bonuses, but only in cases of success. AIG is a failing business and received the money it did because they were failing. In order to save jobs and help stop our stumbling economy, they were given money. Unfortunately, they have wasted it on themselves and on wasteful advertising campaigns. As i said before, Bad Publicity can be good publicity, but in the case of these bonuses now....they really do just have bad publicity. Receiving bail out money before was the "good, bad publicity", but now they have the people calling for their heads in the streets...and duh, that's just plain old bad publicity.

Another thing that makes these bonuses given out, a laugh is how AIG tried to explain and justify them. These bonuses were apparently "retention pay outs". In other words they paid these people these bonuses to keep up with the competition and make sure these people did not leave the company. What is funny is 11 of these people that received the "retention bonus" took the check, and then left the company. So I am sorry, how the hell is this a "retention bonus" and if so, shouldn't you be taking back that bonus from those 11 people? Come on AIG< stop making excuses and just ADMIT you guys are dumb, greedy, SOBs!

So my only solution to AIG is, the government needs to step in and just regulate the crap out of AIG. I know some people that may read this will say crap like, "Government involvement is bad and we need to keep Government out of business." I say to those "nay sayers" that you need to sit down and shut up. You had your way for years and we see how not regulating these industries went, right down the toilet. So when we don't regulate these failing businesses, they do what they want and have helped cause this economic turmoil we are in, so shut up. Lets step in and see if government can't change what is going on, I fail to see the nay sayers coming up with a better idea.

Personally, I think we should hang these AIG execs. To their defense, we don't live in Japan.