For those of you living in the US, you all know that it is just not the same here in the USA as it was a decade ago. We had a balanced budget, we were not in the middle of a war or 2 if you count Afghanistan and Iraq separate. People could walk into the bank and take out a high risk loan for a new house, life was good. Now the economy is the toilet, Mortgage firms are in the hole, insurance companies are even doing down the tubes too. So the government is stepping in and helping some of the firms get through these touph times and keeping them from going belly up.
Until today, I was in favor of helping these guys out, but that has changed very quickly. Do to business of my own, I had to upgrade my cell phone to a Samsung Instinct, make getting e-mail and getting things for work done while I am on the go at times. So i log on to the web this morning and what do I see. AIG, advertising right on the front page of the default Sprint page that pops up. So I for a second I think, why have I heard AIG's name recently? Was it a commercial on TV, no. Was it an ad on the local new page I read every morning, no. Oh that's right now I remember, you S.O.B.s just got bailed out from going belly up by the government. Now why did this AIG ad on my mobile phone's internet tick me off so much?
Oh yeah, because what do you need to put up advertisements, MONEY! That's right, so you are telling me that you don't have money and you need government help, yet you are spending money on advertisements? Now some will say, well ads do generate new business, revenues and gross profit, yes people i know, I am a communications major and this is one of my focuses. Keep in mind though, AIG first is all, an insurance company and a big one. People know the name, and also there is something called Publicity and whether it's good publicity or bad publicity it is still publicity and that itself generates REVENUE and PROFITS! You morons are already on front page news about being SAVED by the government. This is both good and bad publicity! Sure it's bad in the fact that you were going belly up, but this is news that the government has your back, THATS GOOD NEWS, which Good Publicity is FREE ADVERTISING! You morons are all over the nightly news and internet and you are throwing money away into Advertising on my mobile phone, You have to be kidding me, and you wonder why you are having money issues!?!?!!?!?!
Insurance companies = Epic Failure? You be the judge of that, it's YOUR money do what you want with it, give it to these bozos and they will put out another commercial.