So unless you are not a big video gamer or live under a rock, you have probably heard the word on the street this week about EA. EA is trying to buy out Take 2, and since Take 2 rejected, EA is now moving into hostile take over phase. After readings numerous forums and new article posts, I saw a trend form, where many people yelled and complained about EA ruining game franchises and the sports games. Its very hard to tell if they ruin franchises since it is difficult to look back on companies they aquired over the years, nor do I have the time atm (supose to be working!), but one thing i noticed, was the sports. Yes and this is an important arguement to touch on since only just earlir this month, EA announced they extended their deal with the NFL to allow only EA to publish NFL licensed games.
EA CEO Riccitiello said of the deal: "I wouldn't change a line of code; nor would I in GTA or Max Payne. What we'd do is sell more of it--very cost-efficiently."
Further more: EA was not slow to point out the problems it perceived in Take-Two's management structure, and cast doubt on its long-term viability as a publisher due to "financial, legal, and operational issues," making the point that in the current gaming market only the biggest fish would survive. Pointing out repeatedly that Take-Two lacked the resources to maximise the potential of its intellectual property, Riccitiello said that EA would provide the best possible home for Take-Two's studios, suggesting his firm would do "a better job for them than anyone else."
So EA says they are going to make the same games, make them better and make them more cost effective. Lets look at that first. Who remembers the NFL games of 2005? We had ESPN's NFL 2K5 and NFL Madden 05 released during this time. Overall 2K5 won sports game of the year achievements from many Companies (magazines, web sites, ect), trumping Madden 05, oh and the major point, the game retailed (launch day too) for $20 US dollars, where as Madden 05, the normal 49.99 US dollars at the time. Not only did EPSN NFL 2K5 win more awards, but it also beat Madden in ratings too with many reviews (GS score for example: Madden - 9.0 to ESPN NFL 2k5 -9.1). The year before GS also gave ESPN NFL Football (this was the 04 release) a 9.3 and a Madden 04 - 9.1.
Also, I took the 5 major sports game: Soccer, Baseball, Football, and Hockey and did an overall average in game ratings (from GS) against the 2 publishers, Take 2 and EA. Now keep in mind, EA does not make any Baseball games, except in recent years The Bigs (released 07), whereas Take 2 can no loger do the NFL and does not support FIFA soccer. But what i did was take each companies NHL games and NBA games, bot in the years of 07 ad 08, for Take 2. I put in the scores for MLB 2K7 and also the scores for their last 2 NFL games (NFL 2k5 and ESPN NFL Football). So Take 2 had a total of 7 scores to add up. EA which has the NFL has 08, 07, 05, 04 and NFL Tour added for the average score, has the same years of NBA and NHL (08 and 07), FIFA Soccer and Manager 08, and the only Baseball game EA has was also added for the score (The Bigs).
So Take 2 had 7 total titles put in the average where EA had 12 titles put in for average. The scores game out with EA taking the Average at 7.8 overall and Take 2 having an average of 8.3. So in conclusion is EA lying to us about saying they make a better quality game when its under their umbrella? Well in the sports world yes, because one thing to keep in mind, yes Madden did have high scores, just barely under Take 2s NFL, but look what happeneed when EA became the only one to make NFL Games. Look ta the scores compared to the last 2 years when they had competiion:
Madden 04 - 9.1 / Madden 05 - 9.0 - Now the NFL License only in EA Hands.....
Madden 06 - 8.2 / Madden 07 - 7.9 / Madden 08 - 8.5 / NFL Tour - 5.0
Now are those really numbers that show an improvement on things when only EA can release it? I think not, heres hoping to see Take 2 stay Take 2!