So I log on the other day and find that I was given this snazzy little icon here:
This apparently means i have great taste in games, and I must say it's true, otherwise you do not stay in the collection of the current gen. After thinking about it for a while, I would have to agree, I mean look at some of the blockbusters that I have owned, and put countless upon countless hours into:
Halo Series - This series shocked the world and blew open FPS gaming for the console. In fact you could almost say that because of games like this, it has led a shift of FPS to consoles, and people playing them on consoles more than on a PC.
StarCraft-Brood Wars - This is the RTS of RTS games. There has been no RTS able to top this series (in my opinion and a lot of people's to). We have seen countless RTS come out over the years since StarCraft and despite how good they are, I find myself asking, is this really better than StarCraft? StarCraft is the role model for anyone making an RTS and an shining example of RTS done right!
Half-Life Series - The original and 2nd are still favorites and are great FPS. Even though you can argue there are better FPS out there (not many, if not only 1 or 2), but on the PC...what FPS gave you so much more to do, not many. Half-Life and HL2 set the bar on Game mods. With independent hits of their times like Counter Strike and Day of Defeat, it is hard to argue that this game didn't set industry standards.
WarCraft Series - Whether we are talking about WoW or WarCraft back when we all knew it as an RTS, WarCraft is a HUGE franchise. People pour money into WoW not only the monthly fee, but for gold from farmers, t-shirts, buttons, card game, beer stiens, and more! With 11 million people and counting on the MMORPG, it is really hard to argue that this is not a quality Series.
This is just a touch on my collection of hit games, but I feel these are biggest and probably the best made, and why, because these series do not seem to have a single, Bad or Alright game...they are ALL GREAT! I mean I could of thrown the Tom Clancy series in there, but the fact of the matter is, there has been a few well..."ehh" Tom Clancy games and don't feel it has the same Blockbuster power that the above do. So do I have good taste in games, yes, do i have great bet. For some of the best inside on the gaming industry and the world, you have to keep coming back and seeing what I have to say! ;)