Some of you may remember the VP candidate Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska. She was blasted in months leading to the election, and still is being blasted. She was interviewed recently and was complaining that people were unfair and critical about her, yet no one seems critical of Caroline Kennedy (D-NY) who is in line to take over for Sen. Hillary Clinton as she leaves to be Secretary of State in the Obama Administration.
Palin is quoted on saying such things, "I've been interested to see how Caroline Kennedy will be handled and if she will be handled with kid gloves or if she will be under such a microscope."
"It's going to be interesting to see how that plays out and I think that as we watch that we will perhaps be able to prove that there is a class issue here also that was such a factor in the scrutiny of my candidacy versus, say, the scrutiny of what her candidacy may be."
"Is it political? Is it sexism?" she asked. "What is it that drives someone to believe the worst and perpetuate the worst in terms of gossip and lies?"
She observed that Katie Couric and Tina Fey have been "capitalizing on" and "exploiting" her.
"I did see that Tina Fey was named entertainer of the year and Katie Couric's ratings have risen," she said. "And I know that a lot of people are capitalizing on, oh I don't know, perhaps some exploiting that was done via me, my family, my administration. That's a little bit perplexing, but it also says a great deal about our society."
Ok, so who the heck does this woman think she is? Before this moron even came into the picture, her GOP friends at Fox News blasted Hillary Clinton any chance they could. When Hillary came on TV saying she has been treated unfairly, the same morons at Fox made comments about Clinton crying and having the attitude that, "Oh the big boys are picking on me" and made comments on if Clinton would do the same if foreign Nations did the same, would she call it "picking on her" because she's a girl. All Palin is doing now and even when the election was still up for grabs was the same thing. Complain that the Liberal media was picking on her.
Now Palin is trying to say people are "capitalizing" on picking on her? Ok this is why people pick on you.
"I can see Russia from my house." - Palin when asked about Foreign countries and policy with them
You have a daughter under 18 who is knocked up. Family Values? Maybe if you spent more time paying attention to your kids or teaching them about "safe sex" your daughter wouldn't be on the campaign trail with you, ready to "pop" that illegitimate child out.
You are one of those women out there, that feminist who spent years trying to push for equality, that would send women back into the kitchen to be nothing more than subordinate house wives.
What can we say, you are a Redneck...and the educated people in the country do not respect Hicks. Is it a social thing, no, you are freakin' social status has nothing to do with it, but you are still a HICK and a rich Hick at that. Just cause you are rich, doesn't make you be less white trash, you are white trash and people don't want that crap in the white house...i think even some of your fellow GOP thought we couldn't put another hick in office (George W. Bush).
So Palin, stop and your friends did the same crap to Hillary Clinton, which make you HYPOCRITS! Shut up, and go take a canoe to Russia and leave America alone!