Yesturday, this article came down the Pipeline at
This is just about the hidden cost and about how much the War on Terror is costing the people of America. The fact is, because of our current administration, we are broke. So how do you fund a war when you are broke, the same way you buy a house when you don't have the money to pay for it up front, you take out a loan. In the case of America we don't really have an international bank to go to and ask for a loan, so we get it from foreign countries. The point in case here is when you take out a loan, what do you agree to interest. The Bush administration is going to continue this war, and because of it by 2015, we will rack up a total cost of 2.4 TRILLION dollars, to "liberate" these countries of Terrorists. But as we can all see by still reading the paper, or catching the new, that our campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan have been, well more or less unsuccessful. The Taliban is stronger than ever in the recent year, and their terror network may even be stronger than it was before any of the US lead campaigns in Afghanistan or Iraq. But for all this failure to complete our missions (even though Bush declared victory in Iraq years ago), we yes the people of the ages 15-30 will spend the next few decades paying for Bush's mess, and because of his unjustified war we are also left to pay a 2.4 trillion dollar war bill, which that whole interest thing.....700 million (0.7 trillion) of the 2.4 trillion, is Interest we have to pay back to other countries for borrowing money to fund this war.
So should we, the younger generation pay this bill? Heck no, just like a college student with a co-sign on his credit card, George W. Bush and his Daddy George Sr, should be left to flip the bill. As should all the members part of Bush's Administration. Dick Chaney in particular should be flipping a large part of this bill, because isn't odd how a year after we "liberated" Afghanistan, Chaney's former company, Halliburton, ended up getting a very large contract to put a natural gas pipeline in Afghanistan, funny how that works! So now Halliburton is making money off the war the tax payers had to pay for and will continue to have to pay for. Now getting them to pay up, Cheney and the Bush families....well good luck...they may just run to their friends in Saudi Arabia if we tried to make them flip the bill for their war. So how do we solve this dept?
Well we invade our loan officers! That's right I said it, all those countries that gave us money, well just like the mob, they have us a very charitable donation for protection services! That's right, I said it. See you have to think of it this way, we are providing a service to these countries by attacking Afghanistan and Iraq, we are keeping the terrorist there and not in their countries. Its like they have their own Team America (F*** yeah!). Now sure just like the mob we may not have done anything really, there may have been no Ahkmed walking down Hong Kong ready to light up like a firework during the 4th of July and taking out 200 Chinese people, but there could have been! So consider that money you loaned us for the war, a charitable investment to keeping Ahkmed and his friends from setting off fireworks on your street and happy town, as for the it a tax write off. What it boils down to, our generation (since many of us do not support the Iraq/Afghan war, or EVER DID) should not be flipping the bill for Bush's if you are a country who gave us money for the need not call the Bush's, the Chaney's, or consider it a charitable donation towards freedom!