So I log in today and I get an invite to a Union. When looking at it, it's from someone I do not know, and it's for the union called: The Big Nintendo Nations Union. So the real question is did this guy see something i post and want me in or did he just rifle through names he saw and just invite anyone he could get?
I am going with just rifle inviting, which people really need to stop. In the past year I have been very out spoken about my disappointments and frustrations with Nintendo, so why would i ever join an Nintendo based Union. Plain and simple Nintendo has turned its back on the core of the gaming community, the people who made and been playing with Nintendo since the 8 bit NES. Once upon a time I was thinking I wanted to pick up a Wii and enjoy it, but I waited and it was the smart move in the long run.
If anyone remembers the LameCube, i mean GameCube, what did Nintendo do real well...release a ton of Kiddie crap games or just plain old BAD games. So with that said i waited to see what Nintendo would put out and just like with the LameCube, the Wii is piling on the Junk titles and leaving only a few quality games to play. I am sorry, but owning a console needs to be justified with quality titles and non just a few and far between. The reason the 360 is doing so well this time around is Blockbuster titles, quality titles, and IPs that people know and love, are showing up on the 360. Myself being a person who swore off Sony after the PS1 (because the PS1 was poorly built and it is the only system I ever had to replace and at that...replace the unit twice) I am now at the point that I would pick up a PS3 over a Wii.
Plain and simple the Wii released strong with titles like Zelda and Metroid released not long after, but that was about it. The good titles then even slowed further and the last game worth my time being No More Heroes, I am sorry but that is too few quality titles coming out whereas the PS3 started slow, but now is turning out the Quality games and it makes it more enticing to buy.
What it comes down to is, don't invite me to Nintendo unions because plain and simple, your system is OBSOLETE. The overall quality of your games are CRAP and your system is also BEHIND everyone else in the world of ONLINE GAMING. Plain and simple Nintendo, stop releasing the Kiddie crap and get back to making games for the core gamers, the ones who BUILT YOUR BUSINESS! Oh btw, HAHAHAHA FOR WII MUSIC'S FAILURES! Build a game where you can fail, not the "everyone is a winner game" because that type of game is made for LOSERS!