Think of this as a bump of my awesome Hurt and Heal Blog. I'll create these up to version 1.10 and then the top 5 franchises remaining will go to my final hurt and heal. For those of you too lazy to read the instructions from the last Hurt and Heal Blog allow me to put you up to speed.
Here's the rules you deal 6hp with hurt and you can heal a franchise by 5hp. You can double this by saying x2 hurt or x2 heal . You can also heal and hurt on the same post (not x2).The maxium HP a franchise can have is 150. There is no limit to how many you post a day as long if someone has posted after you, you can post again. I will try to keep this updated and please don't go off-topic (unless of course you put x2 hurt, x2 heal etc,).
Here are the competitors:
Super Mario: 110hp
The Legend Of Zelda: 100hp
Kid Icarus(IMO this major franchise):120hp
Star Fox: 100hp
Metroid: 100hp
Final Fantasy: 105hp
Kingdom Hearts: 105hp
Kirby: 76hp
Crash Bandicoot: 100hp
Spyro the Dragon: 16hp
Halo: 82hp
Resident Evil: 94hp
Tony Hawk: 100hp