The difference between the last gen era: PS2 was so up front that it leaves the other in the dust and it is still selling, I myself am contemplating buying a PS2 Slim just in case my Phat PS2 ever break down.
On the current gen: The PS3 stumbled at the starting line with the $600 price tag and one year later starting sales but managed to achieved parity with the 360. The Wii may be in front but the wind is gones from it sails. The PS3 and the 360 can still achieve the 100 million sales target in 3 to 5 years with the appropriate price reductions (to $199- $150). The Sony consoles always seemed more popular outside North America so it may have an enlengthened life span particulalrly in the third world country.
For the next gen: Both Sony and MS will push off at the same time with Sony at $100 cheaper and slightly higher specs. The XBone 'TV TV TV' approach maybe only relevant in North America but the PS4 success won't kill the Microsoft console like PS2 did the Dreamcast. The jury is still out on the Wii U.
Sadly I think there won't be a PS4. Will the PC someday adopt the PS4 'Supercharged PC architecture'. If so, MS is the winner in the long run.
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