Today, my Co-Worker gave me a DS Lite. She told me a week ago that she had a handheld system that did not catch her interest. She was more of a Playstation person 8) (HA TAKE THAT DS FANBOYS!!!) So she gave it to me. It only needed a charger and it had Star Wars: The Force Unleashed in it. So I traded it in for Golden Sun: The Lost Age. So I was out of $17 bucks today because I bought a charger and Golden Sun. Any suggestions on games or accessories?
Tuesday, I purchased Battlefield Bad Company 2. The multiplayer is great. I have never seen a franchise that rewards individuals so much for teamwork. It isn't like Modern Warfare 2, where the game rewards you for being the lone wolf and carry the team. There's no such thing as a tactical nuke on Bad Company 2. It's all teamwork.
Well, if you have any suggestions on games for the DS let me know. Remember I am a budget gamer, so if its new, i'm probably not gonna buy it.