For all of you who don't know, I used to own a nintendo 64. Why? Because it was cool seeing all of the games in 64 bit instead of 32 bit. But I digress, Playstation has defeated nintendo numerous times before, and today, they just slaughtered microsoft AND nintendo (again?). Sony's presentation was lengthy yet outstanding. The announcement of the psp go was very exciting. A lot of people looked forward to this new little gadget.
This is kind of what it looks like except in shorter form. It features 16gb of internal memory as well as a memory card slot. To be honest, it is quite an upgrade and an idea I thought would be best. Instead of the small diskets, why not use pure memory? The question is why so small for the internal memory? Ahh the price. The downside is the disks and the lack of a UMD drive. The UMD disks from the original PSP will be useless. Over one hundred original PSone games are coming to PSN, including Final Fantasy VII. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the game I just purchased. Great! :?
The Playstation 3 has a bunch of games that everyone is actually looking forward to: Assassin's Creed 2, God of War III, Final Fantasy XIII, Uncharted 2... and the list goes on. Then the PS3's version of the wii controler comes out. Yes, it may be similar to the Wii, but its an upgrade of the Eye toy. The eye toy was made by Sony when the PS2 came out. It wasn't as big of a hit as it is now. So sony wins again, and nintendo is on the bottom. :D