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Leave the bear to rest

I guess I was never the one to start up a rather tried and tested past time as blogging but hey here I am joining the blogosphere. I guess I better start y venting a little emotion over things I've noticed ingames that have come out in the las 2 years.

For one its the overuse of the term "ultra nationalists". Though many many look over this small detail taty may want to head over to their games collection right now and see how many of their games contain an ultra nationalist prising of some sort or another. Now if we really want to push the enveloope of game design there's the ultranationalist russians which many a game has come t use over the last decade. I know it took us a while to get over WW2 and we need to move on to greener pastures before the cows die but seriously get some originality. OK I won't mention COD4 because hey we all enjoyed that to be fair, and the story was conceived when the ideas of a ultranationalist uprisings in post communist Russia were in their infancy. We now however have Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter coming out soon and wehey guess what? Its based in Russia where ultranationalists have taken hold.

Lets begin shall we. Arma 2. Right I know much about Arma was amazing, the graphics and physics were a undulant to say the least. however the setting of pro-communist rebel insurgents in Russia was hardly original. Call me tired old b*****d if you please but we have now moved in to an era where we are staring to play on Russia's soviet past a bit too much. Take Command and Conquer Generals, another classic example of the communist block fighting the democratic ad autocratic enemies of America and he middle east. BAttlefield2 is another rather tired example good 'ol uncle sam fighting to protect Democracy against Russia. These really are only a few examples of Russia's rather dead past being reserected for our enjoyment. Don't get me wrong I enjoy blowing up the commie bas****s just as much as the next guy but really we're starting to milk an ageing cow here.

I applauded command and conquer when it first came out and have spend countless times destroying Yuri's threat and that of the motherland. Dare I say though the new additions to the franchise are unoriginal? It was fun just like Medal of honour was fun when it first came out. Just like WW2 though communist Russia is starting to be milked dry. :cry: Why can't we pick on someone else? cue China. This great and admirable tiger economy has been making its appearence in games for a while now however never really has it been given any justice. Playing secound fiddle to the likes of Russia its never really been able to shine ( by the way dynasty Warriors does not count):D . How about EA or or Take2 (not fan of ubi or activision right now) set up a studio in Hong Kong and make a quality FPS, Hack and slash or RPG gae based in China. Hell even a Great Wall f China simulator would be fun. oh well thats my pinion in the light of things, leave the old bear to sleep.