I'm not gonna deal with general opinons on Halo since feature is about graphics, but I'm not excited enough for a "zomg." I know the photos here are supposed to be comparisons of the same object in different games, but I really hope this is an infinitessimal piece of the puzzle. I'd love to feel like I'm actually playing a new game, and not just an enhanced version of an old game. Sadly, that was what I felt when I got Halo 2, and tossed it in the Pile of Shame after only a couple hours. While I'm not saying Halo 3 needs to be the Super Mario Bros. 2 of the Halo series, I would definitely need to see it alter its course a bit if I'm going to be truly impressed. From what Bungie is saying, however, I'm pretty excited to see what they've come up with at launch.
I'm going to reserve my judgment until after I see what the ESA manages to come up with. I personally thought that E3 was quite the impressive event, but I thought so simply because I had never been to one. Watching it online is extremely different from going to one, and had I been there in person, I can guarantee you I'd have been slowly driven insane. Especially by Sony fanboys :P However, in my opinion, E3 isn't as much about people like us getting our mitts on hurried demos as it is about developers showcasing their products, thereby giving us an idea of what we're in store for. I don't know about you, but as long as I'm kept up to speed on what's happening in the world of gaming, I really don't have any problems. Well, excluding personal problems, like night terrors and that clicking sound in the back of my jaw. Relax, everybody; it's not the end of the world. The death of E3 does not equal the death of video games; it just means the death of a yearly spectacle that, in my opinion, was a little too "spectacular" for its own good.
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