Amazon said they are shipping it out on Friday which makes no sense but whatever. At least I get the preorder bonus.
knives913's forum posts
The Wii isn't a horrible console; it definitely had its high points. The problem is Nintendo didn't support it as well as they did with the Gamecube and DS. They focused too much on casual gamers which made a lot of hardcore gamers abandon the Wii in favor of the PS3 and 360. Then, the 3rd party developers didn't know what to do so they made crappy games that no one wanted.
I would love to see a Kingdom Hearts HD collection but I really want a Yakuza HD collection with Yakuza 1 and 2. Japan gets a Yakuza remake in December so I hope they bring it to the US.
If you aren't having fun with your 360, then sell your PS3. They have many of the same games. However, I would keep the 360 and buy a PS3 so you can have the exclusives for both consoles.
Kazuya :)
I like what I've seen so far. I think it's bold of Capcom to reboot DMC so soon so they must have a good plan for the new game.
A 7 is close to a 6 whcih is border-line sucky which is why a lot of people don't like a 7 rating. To be honest, this is just some dude's opinion so he could secretly hate everything disney which explains the low score. Regardless, I'm still buying the game.
I wouldn't want a C button...a second circle pad would be nice though.
Rhythm Thief is a good game. It's more like Professor Layton than most people think but the music games are fantastic. My only gripe is that the dialogue can get boring and some of the music games are definitely harder than others. Still worth a look though. :)
Sly Cooper is kinda different from Ratchet and Jak. It has more stealth mechanics than anything else. It depends on what you like in a game but I would pick Ratchet because all the Ratchet games seem to be very well received.
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