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I'm not Really Helping My Argument Here, am I?

After my discussion about my Connoisseur badge in my previous entry, I went out this week and bought myself a game that isn't about to help me get it back. Besides grabbing Knights of the Old Republic II, Ultimate Spiderman, and Ratchet: Deadlocked, I picked up Red Ninja for the PS2.

I picked them all up used, which is my normal modus operandi when it comes to buying games. There are a lot of games that I think I might like but am unwilling to pay $50 for, so I usually just wait until they come down to the $25 range.

Now as for Red Ninja, let me explain. I had been interested in it prior to its release. There had been a lot of buzz regarding its play mechanic and the novelty of the whip weapon. But when the game was released back in March the reviews were brutal and I wrote it off.

Jump to this week. When I saw it on the shelf for $17 I remembered that the reviews had been bad but I didn't just how bad. I figured that for $17 I could afford to take a risk and see if there was anything redeeming about it. But that being said, it certainly isn't going to get me the "Good Taste Badge."

When I get around to playing it, I'll let you know what my opinion of it is.