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kodacun Blog

My Change of Mind

Anyone who knows me, knows that i've been a diehard Playstation fan since i first got my playstation. In fact if anyone even think bad thoughts about the PS1 I'll be there to defend it. However with the crap that sony has been producing lately I have to say i'm really starting to hate them. I never thought i would like the xbox better the the PS3 just on sheer principle but my roommate has a 360 and i must say i'm enjoying it. So there it is... Until Sony can pull their act together I'm now in full support of Microsoft. But i swear Sony if you let the PSP die in North America i will never forgive you!

My PSP experience

I honestly don't understand how anyone in their right minds could consider FFCC a great RPG, or even a RPG at all. I've been gaming for over 15 years now and i don't think i've ever had to push the X button so many times for one game. I started a game on FFCC on hard mode and let me recap the game play for you:

Push x, then push x again, and again, and again, push the dodge button, repeat...

While the story itself is good the gameplay is horrible.

It's disappointing how little Sony is doing with the PSP when they really could do so much more. I love all the rereleases but you have to have a PS3 to get them? stupid.

My Top Five

So i'm tossing my nonbias opinon out the window today. Here's a list of my top five favorite games (not listed in any praticular order):

Suikoden 2 is the first game that comes to mind when i think of my favorite games.

Shining Force 2 was another game i spent hours and hours playing. (Ninja Slade for the win!!)

Wild Arms was such a great game, unfortunately the series has really gone down hill.

Okami for it's unique and orignal perpective on zelda-type games.

Silent Hill for mastering the survival horror genre. (Props for turning bad resolution into scary fog)

My Union

I got bored... so i made a union. I sent all my contacts charter invites but you don't have to join if you don't want to.

Anyway, it's Back in the Day Reviews. It's a union for non bais reviews for games, because i'm tired of see "great" reviews that are total crap and vice versa. (I also hate "OMG I HEART THIS GAME BUY IT NOW!" Reviews, I find them annoying) But if anyone sees this and wants an invite drop me a message.

My disappointments part 1

I've noticed that a lot of people are posting things like "most bestest game EVER!" or "the top ten leet games you never played." so I bring to you my TOP TEN WORST GAMES EVER in no particular order

Todays picks

Suikoden 4 for PS2is probably one of the first games that comes to my mind when i think of worst games ever. In fact this game is so bad i refuse to even include it as one of the suikoden series. I mean sure it has 108 characters that you can get topopulate your base like other suikodens and sureituses runes likeother suikodens but The deep moving storyline and the amazingmusic and original six person battle system was missing. from now on I shall refer to it as "GenericRPG 4"(GRPG4 for short). While GRPG4 has a good primise, it fails in every other concievable manner.Moving your boat along the world map way to slow and battles could be won simply by pushing x on autobattle. I actually watched television while playing this game and still managed to beat it. Any game where you don't actually have to pay attention to it to win, can hardly be called a game at all. GRPG4 wins my "I PHALE" Award.

Lunar: Dragon Song for the DS was so painfully bad I never actually finished it. Why you ask? YOU GOT HURT FOR MOVING AROUND OUTSIDE OF A TOWN! I'm not kiding. I first bought this game after finish Luner Legends, the GBA remake of the original lunar game, and had high expectations. These expectations made this game even more painful. Let me see if i can sum up the game for you: The main character is a deliever boy who's hobbies include handstands... ... ... you know what, i'm just going to stop there. The battle system was another horrid thing about this game. YOU COULDN"T GET EXP AND ITEMS, IT"S EITHER ONE OR THE OTHER! WTF? Lunar: Dragon Song wins my "WTF" Award.

and the last pick for today:

Wild Arms Altered Code: F gets just that in my books a big F. (lame joke i know) the people at the once great Agetec had a chance to make a great ****c game even better by bringing it on to a next gen console. but what was delivered was a big steaming piece of garbage that vagily resembled the great PS Wild Arms. Although not terrible the game could have really been so so so much better. So for taking one of, what i consider, the best games ever and turning it in to that horrible freakish frankenstien of a game Wild Arms Atlered Code F gets my "/cry" Award.

My Return

Well I'm now jobless, summer school is ending, and well i'm just plain bored....

So what does that mean for you? MORE REVIEWS!!! That's right i'm back and i'm going to be started my reviews of games again and well lets just say i'm not going to be kind. I can't stand listening to all these people who talk about how GREAT all these new games are, when clearly they suck ass.

So put down your controlers, turn off the warcrack and get ready for new and improved game reviews!

My new job

Well i finally got a new job... between work and school updates will be far and few. I'm working on Xenosaga Ep. 2, hopefully i'll be finished with it soon and start a review on it and episode 1.

RPG Maker Completion: 6% ( I actually started a new game that i have yet to title based on D&D's: The Red Hand of Doom adventure)

My Game

Well i finally downloaded RPG Maker XP and i've been working on a game. It's kind of a simplistic test game so i could figure out the system but hey a game is a game right.

Anyway, It's not even half way done but I might post a preview of it soon.

i've decided to make it a kind of pick your own adventure game. Basically at certain points in the game you pick left or right (of course i dress up a bit more in the actually game) but depeneding on what you do the story changes your party changes and the bad guys change.

The Adventure of Karn: 4% Finished

my surprise

huh... I notice that Silent Hill only got a 6 out of 10. That's a suprise because i love the game. In fact it's on my top ten list of games. (i should post those sometime), but seriously that just goes to show no personal feelings or buy off in my reviews. I don't say a game is good just because everyone else does. That makes me wonder what other games are like that.

My Memory Lane

Well i emptied out my closet today and found all my old gaming magz. When i say old i mean old too. I decided to keep the first fifty issues of Nintendo Power but got rid of all the GamePros and EGMs. I did however keep my 25 issues of GMR. Looking thru some of the Nintendo Powers i remembered all the good times my brother and i used to have... arguing over whos turn it was to play, keeping the system on all night because there was no save feature, getting up before the crack of dawn and being the first one down stairs so i could play. Good Times Good times.
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