I know this is a old post .. but hay someone else might read it needing some helpful info from it ... well i like RoM but it is a WoW clone same with allods don't get me wrong they are both awesome games with good player base and staff.. dont forget there are lots of privet servers for wow liniage2 and aion with huge player bases and i do mean thousands of players online at any given point in time. I also do enjoy the new 3d shooter mmos like combat arms ( There are hackers there that get annoying) but not all the time and most players kick them right away.. and my new personal fave heroes of the sky .. It is a WW2 flight sim mmo not a WW1. But true to fashion of any gr8 mmo in heros of the sky you do quests get exp from kills and quests get money aka (Gems) buy new planes weapons armaments just about anything and everything it is a very balanced game pve and pvp and extremely accurate historically all in all i give heroes of the sky a 10 out of 10 in the regards of a awesome unique and very fun mmo. to keep me from getting boared i do play on and even host privet servers for wow aion and liniage2. then for creativity and learning i make my own 2D mmo using Eclipse which is a free open source program that is really easy to use even with no coding skills and if you want to get creative you can customize your server however you like by learning c++ and sad script ( Sad Script is alot like VB) anyway i don't want to ramble on about stuff and im not going to post any links since all of any of this info is easily found doing a quick google search. well i hope this helped alot of you and happy gaming 8)
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