@trugs26: Nice! I'll let you know how I find the games :)
KojimaNo1fan's forum posts
Ok so I'm a late Pokemon lover, I'm actually the same age as the franchise. I watched the show and collected cards but that was it. My first Pokemon gaming experience was Y. I loved it, couldn't put my 3ds down for months. So I was digging around some old stuff and came across my GameBoy Advance SP. And the idea came to mind that I'll play some old school Pokemon. So I ordered a new charger and Fire Red, Leaf Green, Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald. Never played them when I was a kid so I think this shall be a wonderful experience. I was just wondering how is everyone else celebrating the anniversary?
Need some teammates for Rainbow Six Siege, no trolls. Please be genuine. Fed up of playing with randoms who run and gun. I feel it will be more enjoyable with a squad who work well as a team. British player preferably. PS4. Send me your psn if interested.
Basically started downloading the witcher from the store, it was taking forever so I took it downstairs to the main internet router and wired it up but I'm worried because I think I unplugged the console before it turned off. Just wondering if the game will be corrupted and is there a solution? Please help. Much appreciated.
Dude I know how much school sucks and I had the worst time with it and eventually left and didn't do my exams. Now I look back and think "what a twat" seriousley video game can be the best but also the most dangerous things when it comes to this point in your life. Do what @toast_burner said but give more focus to the education because it'll take you to better places than sitting around bumming video games out all day like I did. I'd give anything to be 12 again so I can right the wrong but oh well.
Just saying you've got an opportunity that someone like me would die for. And hey listen here high school is so fucking temporary dude and bullying is a thing everyone has to go through. The best thing you can do is surround yourself with people that are good for you and good for your heart. And the dad thing, well that's something only you and your dad can fix, unfortunateley no one here can help with that. Get your games back and enjoy them but also focus on school because it's so temporary that once it's over you'll be thinking "shit where did the time go". Keep your head up :).
@Black_Knight_00: @@@BattleSpectre:
Yes it's something i've always avoided for anger reasons haha.
To be honest when you play it as much as I have it's not as hard as you think, I only avoided extreme because I didn't want a dent in my wall from controller throws. If you can beat it on normal you'll pretty much see hard mode as a piece of piss, well that's how I see it anyway.
So as you can probably tell from my username, i'm a Konami fan boy. And I especially love all the titles Kojima has produced, obviously Metal Gear Solid being my number 1 game. So i'm here chilling on the internet watching and reading all that I can for The Phantom Pain and I though "hey why not bust out my PS3 and go on Metal Gear". So I did and I loaded up Sons Of Liberty and looked at my files and felt abit kiddy. The reason why I felt like this is because I looked at the difficulties and felt like a (not to sound too cliche) noob. It went from easy to very hard, I don't know why but in the heat of the moment I thought "i'm better than this, I can totally clear this game on European extreme".
So I go to my svae data utility and look at the MGS HD save files and saw my Snake Eater files aswell most of them were normal so then I though "right **** this!" and deleted all my saves, I don't know why I just felt like a noob even though I know I could beat these games on Extreme mode. A few minutes later I felt a weird feeling of regret and I felt like I deleted memories (litreally). I was wondering if anyone else has done and if they have, how did you feel?
Your argument towards Dark Souls is fair. I guess it depends on how the player feels when playing it, like I feel like it's an RPG, whilst someone else might feel like it's a horror game, that's the only way I can see it. @bornstrategist I've already read the post you put on The Future Of Survival Horror post as it was my topic lol. I'm completely with you on this. The point you made about a good narrative is a good one, that's why it saddens me to find out Hideo Kojima won't be devoloping Silent Hills, he's a fantastic producer of video games especially when it comes to drama, script, and of course cutscenes (if you've played MGS you'll know that anyway).
His touch on the game could've been a key element of saving this genre. I understand the financial stand point but look at Outlast, small budget but Red Barrels made one of the most scariest game to have ever graced video games. All it takes is a good creative team and an excellent team of writers. And i've seen a few people talk about camera angles in theses game, and yes I wish games could do what Resident Evil did with the first three of the series. Fixed camera angles gave the games such a brilliant yet terrifying ambience. I'll say it again i'm so glad to see people are still passionate about this wonderful genre.
I'm so happy to see people are still passionate about this genre. I like to see people have ideas for games aswell and to be honest, there good ones. And to get a point across, atmosphere is a major factor in this type of game because when we beat the game we look back and think holy shit was intense!. And i've said this before and i'll continue to say it, Dark Souls is not a survival horror game in my opinion because of the RPG aspect of it, not saying it's a bad game but definetly not a survival horror. Keep in mind it's my opinion so no hate please.
So last time I talked about the future of survival horrror and it turned out to be a pretty good opinion based back and fourth. But this time I want to go over how this genre can be saved. In my opinion, the stuff that made survival horror can be brought down to five things, atmosphere, helplessness, puzzles, normal people not super soldiers (with the exception of S.T.A.R.S) and quite a minimal ammount of action. Instead of opening a door and shooting ten zombies why not give the feeling that something's behind it and when we open it have nothing there, similar to what Silent Hill 2 was renowned for.
The new formula for the most recent Survival Horror games has mainly been exposed to action adventure when it's not supposed to be like that at all. Much like how Resident Evil has gone from survival to run and gun. Another thing that survival horror games was once known for was abnormal story. To put it simpler we want totally messed up and out there.
But that's my opinion I wanna hear your opinion and hopefully devolopers will listen. And as i've said before, no hate please, Thanks for reading.
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