I got the Logitech Z2300. I am generally satisfied with them. The huge subwoffer is good for games and movies. Yet not so good for all kinds of music. I have the impression it is overextended. The subwoffer prevails clearly above all the rest of frequences. Now you may think this is good feature but in fact it isn't. You get the impression on some songs that the bass is too booming and without enough control. For example if you put the Cranberies song "Ridiculus thoughts" you will feel the sound distorsion because this big subwoofer is too booming. Also the 2 smaller speakers don't give any bass at all so they sound incredibly "thin" . I found a solution to this problem by puting the small speakers ON the subwoofer. I have mounted the subwoofer on the package box i got it because my floor is made of wood and when i had placed the subwoofer directly on the floor i was geting even more distortions and booming. I also set the bass a bit less than the normal seting on the sound card controls to minimise the overwhelming booming sound a bit more. One of my future buys will be the Logitech X230 because i have heard that the speakers they have give a more balanced sound with slightly more bass coming from them and i will replace my current speakers 2 small speakers that come with Z2300 as default. I have heard they can get easily adjusted to the Z2300 subwoofer. So if you are low on cash i would advice you buy the X230 cause are easier to get configured from what i have heard and better for small rooms and wooden floors. Now if your room is big and has a floor of marble or stone and got no problem spending more cash you may be better with the Z2300.
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